Table of Contents
Here are a few resources that I made for various games. Those I have in digital format at least!
Last update: added a
dedicated resources page for upcoming Traveller 5th edition (T5) stuff. For now there is only a character sheet for humans.
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 #
Adventurer Conqueror King System
Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint
(second edition).
- Character sheet
- Henchmen sheet
- Combat summary
- Healing summary
- Dongeon delves summary
- Wilderness delves summary
AD&D (1st edition) #
Call of Cthulhu (7th) #
Plans for a player characters’ hideout
Cepheus Universal #
The rules: Cepheus Universal
Clan Lord #
For all the resources for Clan Lord check the dedicated Clan Lord page.
D&D 2nd edition #
- Character sheet
- Various tables page 1
- Various tables page 2
- Various tables page 3
Feng Shui (1st ed.) #
Hackmaster #
- Price list
- A GM page with arms and armor
- A GM page with weapons
- A cheat sheet for combat rules
- A cheat sheet for combat moves in landscape
- A sheet to place tokens on to mark the upcoming count
Hârn (using AD&D) #
- A price list for AD&D for the Hârn setting: Harn Prices for AD&D
- My house rules for AD&D on Hârn
- A cheat sheet for my round phases as part of my AD&D house rules
Low Fantasy Gaming #
Monsters & Magic #
- Price list
- GM screen page 1
- GM screen page 2
- GM screen page 3
- GM screen page 4
- Effects examples
- Character sheet
Old-School Essentials #
- Character creation summary
- My house rules for using OSE in the Midderlands setting
- Character sheet without setting info
- Generic character sheet with Midderlands coins values
- Cleric character sheet with Midderlands coins values
- Fighter character sheet with Midderlands coins values
- M-U character sheet with Midderlands coins values
- GM screen page 1
- GM screen page 2
- GM screen page 3
- GM screen page 4
- A sheet to track time and notes
Runequest #
- Character sheet
- An example of the character sheet filled for Solara
- Price list
- Player’s guide
- Weapons’ list
Suldokar’s Wake #
For all the resources, and more, check the dedicated Suldokar’s Wake page.
Star Frontiers #
Traveller 5 (T5) #
For all the resources, and more, check the dedicated T5 page.
Traveller (d20) #
- Herstron class starship lower deck
- Herstron class starship upper deck
- Herstron class starship cross section
Traveller (Mongoose 2nd ed.) #
- Skill focused character sheet
- Weapon focused character sheet
- A playing aid for character creation
Twilight: 2000 (4th ed. by Free League) #
- Life Path Worksheet
- Character Creation Aid: a document with tables and definitions that are useful while making a character using the Life Path or the Archetype method.
- Equipment list