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Character Groups

··2 mins

To create, delete, or edit groups, wether it is changing the name of the group, or changing which character is in which group, you select the menu Utilities/Edit Groups or press ⌘-G. This opens up the following window.

The “Edit Groups” window.

On the left side is a list of all the characters sorted alphabetically, and on the right side is a list of the current groups.

A section of the characters’ list zoomed in.

Each character has their occupation listed below the name and on the right side a tag showing to which group they currently belong. This tag is also a button that you can use to remove a character from its current group, returning it to the default CHARACTERS group. If you just want to change a character from one group to another, you can simply drag the character to the new group.

A section of the groups’ list zoomed in.

On the right side is a list of the groups. Each group has a short “Sidebar Name” and a description (or long name). You can edit those as you like. Ideally the Sidebar names aren’t too long (like the OtSW abbreviation), but there is no hardcoded limit, so if you like wide sidebars, or seeing truncated names, go for it!

Below the name is the list of the characters currently in the group, and on the far right is a button to delete the group. There is no “are you sure you want to delete this group” warning, but it’s not very long to recreate a group, and the characters aren’t deleted, they just revert to the default “characters” group.

A section showing the add group button.

Above the list of group is a button to add a group. It shows that characters and none are reserved names that you cannot use. To create a group you simple press the button, edit the Sidebar name (or leave the default), enter a description if you wish, and then drag characters from the left side onto a group to add it. Try it, it’s simple!

Adding characters to groups.

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Denis Ricard
Denis Ricard
Loving husband, proud father, retired physicist, forever coder, and avid gamer.