Table of Contents
The calendar presents one month at a time. There are four sections:
The calendar controls #
Since this section is exactly the same as for the top of the dashboard, it has its own separate documentation, see calendar controls.
The days of the month #
Each day has the date in the top left corner. The current date is highlighed like in the example above. On the top right is the phase of the moon (Yaél) and in the center at the top is the temperature and precipitations for the day. The meaning of each icon is listed below the calendar (see the next section).
Read more about the weather in the calendar controls documentation.
At the bottom are listed religious ceremonies and festivals. In the example above, on the 4th Peónu, is the Lesser Sapéleh, a Peonian ceremony, and also the Restoration Festival (also for Peóni). Ceremonies and festivals are also listed by deity in the 4th section (see below).
Characters’ birthdays are shown on the calendar along with the age they will be on that date.
Key and additional controls #
At the bottom of the window is the key to the weather icons as well as some additional controls. See page 64 and 144 for more details on weather. Precipitations are either “light” (and has no effect on movement), this is represented by a white (empty) icon, or “continuous” which is likely to affect movement, this is represented by a filled (black) icon. These can change during the day, see the calendar controls documentation for more information.
The weather is generated with two d10 rolls for each day, as described on page 144. This is modified by the elevation. The Temperature Modifier
menu lets you select one of these modifiers.
You also have the option of rolling for wind force and direction. This is done according to the instructions on page 64.
This gives you a windforce, a direction and for how long this will last, as well as a description.
Religious ceremonies and festivals #
The last section is on the right of the calendar and shows the ceremonies and festivals for all the deities, listed by deity and then by date.
The ceremonies are followed by the level (Low, Middle, High Mass) and the circle if there is a circle requirement ([III]). The deities and ceremonies shown in this section and in the days of the calendar depend on the currenly selected pantheon. This is set in the settings.
Festivals are indicated by a circled ƒ
, kuzhan ceremonies are denoted by a circled k
and some ceremonies have a squared A
beside them. These indicate ceremonies that can occur at any day during the month, and since I wanted to put them in a date, I arbitrarily chose a day (hence the A