Table of Contents
In the settings view you can adjust some parameters for the app.
Pantheon #
You can select one of the many pantheons of Venârivè. The deities as well as their divine aspect (see page 310), orthodox morality (see page 322) and sphere of influence will be displayed below. This will also affect the ceremonies and festivals that are shown in the calendar.
The pantheon in used for a given region can be found using the Regions & Languages tool.
Weather & Daylight #
Weather generation is done exactly as described on page 144 of the HMK rulebook, with two d10 and six d6 for each day, and then modifiers are applied depending on time of day or elevation, and interpreted according to season and climate zone, which you can select from the menu. This doesn’t change the weather rolled (the two d10 stay the same), it just changes their interpretation.
The daylight depends on the season and latitude (as described on page 142). You can change the latitude with the menu in this section.
See more about the effects of these settings in the calendar controls documentation.
Other Settings #
At the moment there are only two “other” settings in this section but I may add more as time passes (I have a few in mind already).
Adjust cost of cloth and padded: this setting is off by default. If you turn it on it will adjust the value of cloth and padded items according to the wealth of the character (in relation to a wealth of 6) as described under Price on page 118. This only affects (at this time) the estimated value of the gear on the character page, not the value of items shown in the equipment list.
Move Calculation Option: this setting is on by default. If
it will adjust base move according to the table on page 56 for the height and frame traits of the character in addition to the STR and AGL modifiers. If it’soff
it will only use the STR and AGL modifiers.
Importing a character #
You can import a character that someone else exported (using the ‘Export Character’ button on the character sheet). Press this button, locate the file for the character and open it. At the moment there are no warning if this fails but it’s on the list of things to implement.
This might be used, for example, by a player sending his character to the GM (assuming both are using this application).