Character Sheet
Table of Contents
Note: This page is about using the character sheet. To learn how to create a new character, please check the New Character help.
To display a character sheet, select the character’s name in the sidebar. The character sheet is organized just like the official character sheet for HârnMaster Kèthîra. It has two pages:
You select which page is shown by the buttons on the toolbar on top of the character sheet. The third option is a two-page spread. I don’t recommend using this mode during play, but it gives a nice overview (and makes great screenshots!). The two-page spread requires a large display and is very slow to edit.
You can change which page is shown by a click and drag gesture: click and drag in the direction as if you were flipping a page in a book. If you’re on page 1
and want to go to page 2
you click and drag to the left. If you are on page two (the toolbar shows a highlighted 2
as shown above), then you click and drag to the right.
Editing #
The character sheet can be edited in a number of ways. Most things that are edited during a gaming session can be edited directly on the character sheet. For example on page one, you can edit the number of coins that the character has (both pennies and farthings). Just click on the number and type the new value and press Enter. This last detail is important. While many things will update as you write, pressing Enter will validate the value and update related fields and values.
Some things that don’t change very often (like skills development points), or that normally do not change (like the birthplace or the character’s height) are edited in separate interfaces, the same ones that was used to create the character in the first place. So if you need to edit the character’s name for example, open the Birth, Family, & Persona
[⌘-B] window, load the character and change the name. For changing the height, for example, open the Modify Appearance
[⌘-P] window, load the character and make the changes that you want.
Page 1 #
Here are the things that you can edit directly on page 1 of the character sheet:
Home, Wealth (change the numerical value, the description will change), coins (both d and ƒ, if you enter more than 3ƒ it will be converted to pennies and farthings), Psyche traits, Fate points, Grace (total and left), Piety (max and left), Blessing (the bonus and the ceremony), and Doctrines. As you can see, some fields that can be edited have a gray +
shown as a prompt. For example you can enter a second line of Psyche traits or Doctrines in the example below.
Page 2 #
Possessions #
The quantity of items that you already have on your character sheet can be edited (so you can increase or decrease the number of arrows you have for example). To add or delete items (possessions), armour articles, weapons, or spells, you have to use the Edit Equipment window.
As shown above, the weight of the bolts update as you change the quantity, but the total weight carried (next to POSSESSIONS at the top) only updates when Enter is pressed.
Equipment is organized in containers. Each one has checkmark to its left. Clicking on the checkmark will simulate dropping that container. Sometimes during combat, a character will drop a backpack for example, to reduce encumbrance. When you “uncheck” a container, its weight is substracted from the total and the ENC (and its various effects) are adjusted accordingly. At the end of combat just click again on the checkmark.
Note that the backpack has a special rule (see page 120) that reduces the effective weight by half for Encumbrance, if properly packed, and this is implemented as you can see above.
Notes #
There are two types of notes. Short notes are meant to list special items that you have, for example items that do not contribute to encumbrance, like conveyances.
Or you can also use short notes to list details of items that are in your Possessions, like elixirs for an alchemist character. You’d have 4 elixirs in your Possessions, and the details listed here.
But essentially, you can use short notes as you like of course!
Longer notes are for character details, relationships, backstory, etc.
You can edit short notes and notes directly. You have to press Enter to create a new line in both of these sections.
Trauma #
You can also edit the Winded, Weary, and Weak fatigue values (this will update the relevant parameters on this page like Dodge). You can add Stress, Ailments, and Injuries by clicking near the +
and typing.
You can also set the current shock state or Bleeding by clicking on the corresponding label. Press under the ≤6
to reset it to normal.
Deleting a character #
To delete a character press the red button on the top right of the toolbar.
Exporting #
You can export a character to a json
file. This can be used for example to send your character’s sheet to your GM (if they use the application as well). Just press the export button on top.