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Equipment & Spells

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To add or remove equipment or spells, you select Character/Edit Equipment & Spells or press ⌘-E and you select the character on the left-hand side.

The Edit Equipment & Spells window with Hildegard having no equipement.

Then you select a category on the right-hand side and basically drag and drop the equipment or spells onto the character on the left. The character sheet is updated instantly so you can have it open as you equip your character and see the encumbrance or the armour values as you add items. There are a few details to consider while doing this, but first let’s take a look at the categories.

The ‘select a category’ menu showing all the options.

Here are special considerations for some of the categories to be aware of.

Containers #

The category shown by default when you open this window is the Containers. This is because when you’ll add miscellaneous items, like trekking supplies for example, you generally want to add them inside a specific container, so add containers before items. There is always the default “container” of “On Person” for things that you strap to yourself or across a shoulder, like perhaps a rope or a Belt & Claw spanner.

When dragging an item onto a container, you have to be pretty precise with your pointer and drop when you see the + appear.

Showing a drag gesture of items onto a container.

Armour suits #

HMK Toolkit supports all the Armour Suits in the book (and a few others), but these are simply a convenient way to add a number of armour articles at once. When you add a suit, it will actually add all the armour articles listed for that armour suit. Because of that, once you’ve added one suit or any armour article, you cannot add more suits.

So if you want to add a suit and some other article, begin with the suit, and then add the articles.

Armour/Clothing Articles #

Armour articles are grouped by material. Click on the button on the left to disclose that sub-section.

The armour/clothing articles section showing leather items.

Armour articles show their encumbrance (ENC), perception modifiers (PER), weight (W) and price on the first line. Below that are the body locations covered by that armour article. When an item covers only the front or the back, this is indicated by a /. If the location appears after the ‘/’ then it only covers the back (like the padded cloak shown below), if it’s before the ‘/’ then it covers only the front (like a breastplate).

The armour/clothing articles section showing the padded cloak.

Missiles #

Arrows and bolts need to be placed into quivers or arrow bags, so add one of those before trying to add those types of missiles. If this is an unwanted restriction, tell me and I will add a setting to turn this off. On the other hand, nothing else can be stored in quivers and arrow bags (so no bullets in quivers!).

Item Descriptions #

A section of the missile category showing light arrows.

Items show their weight (W) and the source where they can be purchased (S) as well as the price. Some items are sold in quantities instead of by single item, like arrows that come in quantity of 12. This is indicated in the description (QTY) and the price and weight given is for the lot.

A section of the trekking supplies list showing two types of bedrolls.

You can click on the “Item Descriptions” button to show those if the items have them. Item descriptions also appear as tooltips on the character sheet. Hover the mouse pointer over an item and the tooltip should appear.

A section of the trekking supplies list showing two types of bedrolls with descriptions shown.

Spells #

A portion of the spells category, sorted by convocation.

You can only add spells if the character is a Shèk-Pvâr, otherwise a note will be shown. By default spells are sorted by convocation and then by complexity. The order of the convocations is the same as the list on page 195, and it’s the same order as the spells are listed in the book. You can also sort the list by name by clicking on the “Sort by name” button on the top of the list.

A portion of the spells category, sorted by name.

In addition to convocation and complexity, spells entries show the page number of the spell’s description, as well as the Time, Range, and Duration.

Deleting equipment / spells #

To delete an item or a spell, swipe left over the item and press the delete button.

A gif showing how to delete items by swiping left.

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Denis Ricard
Denis Ricard
Loving husband, proud father, retired physicist, forever coder, and avid gamer.