Initiative Rating Tracker
Table of Contents
To keep track of the initiative order during combat, you can use the IR Tracker. To access it you select the menu Utilities/IR Tracker
or press ⌘-T
. This opens up the following window.
When you open the tracker it will show all the characters in the default group (‘CHARACTERS’). You can select a different group with the menu at the bottom right of the window. After selecting the “OtSW” group for instance, the tracker will look like this. Remember to always begin with group selection.
You could even create an empty group is you wanted to track combat without any of the characters. For example I created an “Ad Hoc” group but I didn’t add any characters to it, and then I selected that group to get an empty tracker which I can then fill with combatants.
Quick Entry #
Aside from the characters in a group, you’ll likely want to add other combatants. There are two ways to do that. The first one is by using the quick entry Add
menu in the top toolbar.
If you add more than one of the same type of opponent they will be shown with an increasing index number automatically. For example, adding 3 Gârgúns might look like this.
All the various opponents in the quick entry menu have their Initiative set. If you want a non-standard Gargú-aráki with an Initiative of 80 for example, use the manual entry method described below.
Manual Entry #
For any opponent not in the quick entry menu, or named NPCs for example, use the manual entry method using the fields at the very bottom of the window. Type in the Initiative Rating and the name in their respective fields and press the +
button or press Enter.
Tracker Use #
Once you have set your combatants, you’re ready to use the tracker. Proceed from top to bottom in IR order. When a combatant has acted, check the circle next to their name to indicate this. If a combatant chose to Ready an action (see page 161 sidebar), select the character in the list and add the Readied Action
condition from the Conditions
This will add the condition tag below the combatant’s name and change the circle to a square with an R
to show that this combatant is waiting for taking their action.
Once the combatant wants to take their action, simply drag them to the new IR order. For example if Floria wants to act just before the first Gargú-aráki, this is what it would look like.
We see that her new IR has been set automatically to just below the Khánu at 59, and this will be her new IR from now on. When she has taken her action, simply click on the R
to indicate her turn is over and the readied action
condition is removed at the same time.
If one of the Gârgúns fails a Morale Roll, you can add a condition to show that by first selecting the combatant, then adding the condition from the menu. Conditions are removed by selecting them again from the menu.
Tracking Injuries #
To track injuries you add them to the right of the combatant’s name. First click near the +
and then type the injury as you would on the character sheet. For example for a serious 3 injury from a puncture wound to the right shoulder you would write something like SH R S3P
. Of course, you are free to note injuries as you prefer! If there are multiple injuries, separate them with a \
A New Round #
When everyone has acted and a new round begins, press the reset button at the top to reset all the acted