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The main window showing 3 NPCs, an innkeeper, a mercantyler, and a yeoman.

HârnMaster Kèthîra has two types of Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Major NPCs get a full character sheet, and are treated in this application just like player characters (although you could put major NPCs in a separate group or groups). The second type are action NPCs which have less details. An ad hoc NPC may only have an action ML, but for general NPCs a little more details are added like those shown here (see page 363). In addition to the normal details, this includes a body location with armour values.

A view of the innkeeper NPC.

You can have from 1 to 3 of these shown at once (perhaps a knight with a few man-at-arms), by selecting from the top right toolbar the number of panels. And you can open a separate window (see menus) if you want to view both a character and the NPCs.

A view of the toolbar showing 3 panels selected.

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Denis Ricard
Denis Ricard
Loving husband, proud father, retired physicist, forever coder, and avid gamer.